Holly Stratton

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a place to strengthen your mind & steady your heart with the hope of the gospel

Author archives: Holly

I Never Found My Voice. It Found Me.

As a redeemed woman of God, I have a voice that cannot be silenced. I don't have to shout with increasing volume out of fear I won't be heard, and I don't have to recoil in reserved retreat out of fear I will. I don't have to find my voice, because it found me. Read more

Wartime Strategy For The Battle of Belief

God never promised to automatically lift the emotional darkness of fear and anxiety from our heart whenever we pray, and the lamenting of the Psalms is poignant demonstration of this. There's reason our loving Father so graciously gifted us with hearing the heart cry of those who have struggled to believe his goodness. Read more

Holiday Light: When Real Hurt Collides With A Real Healer

It's in the deep where we're coached to set aside our oversized face masks along with childish pride that has us creating commotion to draw attention, craning our neck to seek affirmation, and crying out to secure admiration. It's in the deep where we're coached in the art of controlled breathing that carefully inhales grace and exhales love— where we're coached to calmly put our head down and confidently glide forward for God's glory and not our own. Read more