The Only Way Out Is Through
I've lived long enough to learn the energy-conserving power of surrender: surrender to trekking through the waters, trudging through the fire, and traveling through the darkness. Read more
I've lived long enough to learn the energy-conserving power of surrender: surrender to trekking through the waters, trudging through the fire, and traveling through the darkness. Read more
Pray for those who mistreat you. God inspired this injunction with a sovereign breath of love knowing we would suffer relational hurt. Knowing our expectation to be treated with kind consideration would be thwarted by sin, he gave us a remedy. Knowing bitterness would worm its gnarly way into our broken heart and plant its seeds of destruction, he gave us an escape plan that calls for us to run to the Cross. Read more
If we genuinely care for others and sincerely desire healing for them, we will take their sin wounds seriously. We'll be committed to a sound theological positioning that involves strong biblical thinking, solid teaching, and wise counsel that exalts Christ and upholds the power of gospel grace. Read more