Holly Stratton

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a place to strengthen your mind & steady your heart with the hope of the gospel

Category archives: Disappointment

When Sin Shocks: Savoring the Savior in Our Sorrowing

Jesus didn't suffer on the cross any more severely for that beloved child, or that spouse, or that friend who disappoints us with the ugliness of sinful choices than he suffered there for us. He didn't sorrow in agony any more deeply for that respected pastor, that teacher, or that leader who devastates us with some revelation of sin than he sorrowed for us. Read more

Hope For the Heartbroken: Redeeming Grace For The Painful Poison Of Rejection

We do ourselves a grave disservice with our anemically-defined judgments about what constitutes rejection, and we minimize the danger of its poison with our shallow suggestions for recovery that suggest it can be secured apart from a Sovereign Healer. Without Christ, our good intention in offering instruction about developing thick skin and bold confidence merely relegates the pain to space that carries no room to deal with the reality of it. Read more

The Joy Of Finding Satisfaction With Dissatisfaction

Conversations about having a joyful heart can so easily leave us with the impression that being a surrendered Christian involves our experiencing a sense of sweet satisfaction in this life. That if we're truly seeking to trust a Savior in whom we are found complete, that certainly what should follow is a sense of deep contentment not just in the Giver of good gifts, but in the gifts themselves. Read more