Holly Stratton

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Category archives: Modesty

The Dignity of A Woman Who Will Not Be Divided

Regardless of which side of the political aisle you stand, only the morally blind could find it impossible to admire the gallery of honor that marks the life of Judge Barrett. It's a gallery that glistens with the gold of true grit, grace and gravitas. And at the center of that gallery hangs a painting... Read more

Aging With Grace: Women Of Life And Beauty

Aging gracefully has us remembering that beauty is fleeting even as we seek to enhance and preserve it. Even as we work to retain the beauty of youth, aging gracefully has us wallowing too much in the wisdom of years to whine about the waste of time. Read more

Immodesty: An Ancient Problem In Modern Skin

Modesty for both men and women is far too significant to narrowly reduce it to superficial discussions about swimsuits, yoga pants, or any other garment that happens to be the hot topic of the hour. It makes the profound apppear silly, and treats what's weighty as if it were light. Read more