Holly Stratton

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a place to strengthen your mind & steady your heart with the hope of the gospel

Category archives: Fear

Bowing Low When Bedlam Runs High

When indecency plays out on the stage recklessly, it leaves the audience leaning into their own decency righteously. That's because a low moral bar always tempts those who clear it (no matter how scantly) to believe their own bar is high. When there's no absolute truth in which to sink our teeth, comparsion becomes the magnetic field of our moral compass. Read more

Social Shaming: A Seduction Of Insecurity Calling For Mindful Recall

Social shaming has always existed, long before seeing it play out in public as rawly as we're seeing it now. We are social creatures made for connection, and shaming is a way to gain social capital. By highlighting the negative positioning of others, we secure a more postive sense of our own. Read more

Wartime Strategy For The Battle of Belief

God never promised to automatically lift the emotional darkness of fear and anxiety from our heart whenever we pray, and the lamenting of the Psalms is poignant demonstration of this. There's reason our loving Father so graciously gifted us with hearing the heart cry of those who have struggled to believe his goodness. Read more