Holly Stratton

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a place to strengthen your mind & steady your heart with the hope of the gospel

Category archives: Anxiety

Bowing Low When Bedlam Runs High

When indecency plays out on the stage recklessly, it leaves the audience leaning into their own decency righteously. That's because a low moral bar always tempts those who clear it (no matter how scantly) to believe their own bar is high. When there's no absolute truth in which to sink our teeth, comparsion becomes the magnetic field of our moral compass. Read more

Social Shaming: A Seduction Of Insecurity Calling For Mindful Recall

Social shaming has always existed, long before seeing it play out in public as rawly as we're seeing it now. We are social creatures made for connection, and shaming is a way to gain social capital. By highlighting the negative positioning of others, we secure a more postive sense of our own. Read more

The Dignity of A Woman Who Will Not Be Divided

Regardless of which side of the political aisle you stand, only the morally blind could find it impossible to admire the gallery of honor that marks the life of Judge Barrett. It's a gallery that glistens with the gold of true grit, grace and gravitas. And at the center of that gallery hangs a painting... Read more